Denali National Park | Lost & Found EP.05

Hey everyone! Welcome back to episode 5 of Lost & Found! Let’s get into it!

After staying with my brother for 16 days we were back on the move and ready to head to our next destination in Denali National Park!

A peak of Denali’s peak

In order to get deep into the park we had to hop on a park bus as they are the only vehicles that can be on the road past mile 15.

Pro Move: Sit on the driver side of the bus so you have views of the valley and then on the bus ride out sit on the opposite side. The reason I suggest that is the side opposite the valley tends to be steep hills right next to the road.

Owen on the bus out to our camp near Wonder Lake - 35mm film

View from the bus - 35mm film

The four hour long bus ride was beautiful. The landscape was varied and hard to take our eyes off of. Thankfully, we didn’t have to because neither of us was driving.

Owen with the truck at our camp outside of Denali National Park

MAK hiking with a view on the way to camp

They way the bus works in the park is that there are two types. Sight-seeing buses and hiker/camper buses. Sight-seeing buses are for those who are just wanting to see the park. There are a number of different types of tours that dispense a wide variety of information to you as you go. Then the hiker/camper bus is for those that are needing to get off at the varies campgrounds or who are wanting to hop off an hike. The hiker bus allows you to get off the bus at any spot you like as long as you let the bus driver know. Being that the park is mostly wilderness you can hike just about anywhere you like! The bus drivers do also share information with you as you go at their discretion. Our driver on the way out was clearly over his job. On the way back however we had an incredibly enthusiastic and informative.

We made it to the Wonder Lake campground which is the last in the park and lays in the valley below the peak of Denali. Though the whole area was striking, we were thankful to be deep in the park with views of Denali… If she ever decided to make an appearance from the cloud coverage.

Once our camp was claimed and set up we set off on a hike to the Denali River plane.

Owen & MAK on a hike in the backcountry of Denali NP - 35mm film

Owen on a hike to the river

MAK on a hike to the river

On our way back to camp we got a small peak of the summit and proceeded to hustle back and eat dinner as fast as we could so we could head back out to watch and wait.

MAK wearing her mosquito net in the worst mosquitos we saw all summer

Owen waiting for Denali’s peak to come out of the clouds

In total we were out standing in chest deep tundra for nearly five hours waiting for Denali.

The incredible sunset on Denali

We were rewarded with a few more glimpses of the towering mountain and a sunset that kept us up WELL past our bedtime. Because we were just pas the summer solstice, the sunsets were lasting for 3-4 hours.

We packed up to go to bed 2-3 times that evening to head back to camp and every time the sunset colors got more and more rich. So we’d pull all of our camera equipment back out and keep shooting. To date this is one of the most insane sunsets we’ve ever had the privilege of watching.

A sliver of Denali bathed in sunset light

Owen looking over the Wonder Lake area

Well that is the end of Episode 5, I hope that you all enjoyed and will come back to hang out with us next week!

Thank you to our sponsors

These brands made it possible for us to document our travels through Alaska and turn it into this series. Without their support none of this could happen. We are forever grateful to have brands we already use and love on our side to help us create something we’re proud of!


Our work life is powered by Battle Born. They make the best lithium batteries on the market and are a crucial part of our power system that enables us to work from the road! It took an incredible amount of power to create this series, and we have Battle Born to thank for making it possible.


Power and power management are key to living and working full time from the road. Our mobile lives run on a Redarc Manager 30. It’s a state-of-the-art battery management system that charges and maintains auxiliary batteries by incorporating AC, DC and solar inputs. We’re not sure where we’d be without it!


We’ve now been living out of our flat-bed Four Wheel Camper for 3 years. FWC builds comfortable and durable campers that can fit on any truck. We can confidently say that our FWC is the most comfortable and livable rig we’ve had in all our years on the road!


Maps are your best friend when you’re on the road. On X makes it easy to find open routes and trails no matter where we are. On X allows us to access saved maps offline so we can locate ourselves in the wild when there’s no service.


Main Line Overland is the shop that built our rig, Roxanne. They are incredibly knowledgable on everything overlanding. We chose to work with them because they build thoughtful, reliable and durable vehicles that can get you anywhere you want to be!


Tires can be some of the best insurance when you are out in remote places. We love and trust our Toyo ATIII’s to get us in and out safely, no matter the terrain. They’re amazing in mud, moon dust, loose rocks, slick rock, you name it!


We’ve trusted our Jetboil cooking systems for years. Our favorite, the Flash Cooking system is lightweight, compact and perfect for any trip!


Hiking and Exploring Talkeetna | Lost & Found EP.06


Haines to Fairbanks | Lost & Found EP.04