Bound For Nowhere

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Whale Migration | Todo Bien EP.06

Hello again and welcome back for episode 6 of Todo Bien. This blog post, for the first time in this series, will cover some things that we didn’t cover in the video! So enjoy the episode, then keep reading for some of the things we had to cut from the series!

After we finished our stay in Todos Santos, we decided to go just a little further south to surf in the popular beach known as Cerritos. When we started to head that way, I let the Mali Mish family know that we were headed that way, in the event they wanted to join us!

Whatta you know, they did join us! This stay in Cerritos didn’t make it into our series. By this time we were starting to be pretty exhausted from filming. Cerritos is a busy spot, camping is less than glamorous so we decided to take a little break from filming and just enjoy our stay.

We spent two days enjoying the water and body surfing with the kids. I (MAK) even gave the kids a demo on how to make my world famous guacamole… which isn’t famous, but I knew they liked it because I had made it for them in the past. They gathered around and I pretended to do the demo in cooking show fashion. Despite the crowds we had a great time. We were sad when the time came to say goodbye to the Mali Mish family, once again.

At our next stop we were just shy of the southern cape of Baja. Here, the water was warm and the beaches quiet despite Cabo being just a short distance further south. We stop here just about everytime we come to Baja because in the dead of winter, the water is still warm enough to get in without the need for a wetsuit. But that isn’t the only thing we love about this spot…

In the winter, the southern cape of Baja gives you a front row seat to the Humpback Whale migration! Best part is, Humpback whales are known for their massive breeches, tail and fin slaps. For two days we sat back and watched the show with great enthusiasm. When we were putting together this episode, I couldn’t help but laugh at all the cheering we were doing in the background. I knew we had to include it in the final cut because I think it best encapsulated how it felt to watch the whales.

For whatever reason, we didn’t take any photos of the whales. I suspect we were so focused on getting footage of them that we over looked photos entirely.

Side note: While we were in Baja, the article that I wrote for Overland Journal came out. It is the first time I’ve ever had my writing published and it it felt so good to see it in print. Thank you to Chase and Aimee for bringing the magazine down for us!

As we watched the whales, we also had our eye on a swell coming in. We made moves past Cabo to make it to a break where we could catch it.

For three days we surfed every moment we could. It was some of the best and most consistent waves we’ve had in Baja in a long time. The Mali Mish family met up with us once again to join in on the fun! Because we were in the water so much, we didn’t get many photos of our time surfing.

But we did make some fun post surf snacks which we clearly enjoyed documenting. Making onion rings on the beach earned me the nickname “Onion Rings” out in the lineup!

Thank you all so much for stopping by for yet more BTS photos from Todo Bien! Join us next week for episode 7!

We’re immensely grateful to our sponsors for making our creative endeavors possible. Their unwavering support has played a crucial role in enabling us to bring captivating stories to life and share them with our audience. Without their generous contributions, we wouldn't have the necessary resources to embark on our journeys, capture breathtaking landscapes, and document compelling human experiences. Our sponsors' dedication to our vision and their commitment to promoting authentic storytelling in the digital age is truly commendable. Every step of the way, their belief in our work has fueled our passion and allowed us to continue creating meaningful stories. We owe our sponsors a profound debt of gratitude, as they’re essential partners in our mission to inspire.

Presenting Sponsors

We’ve now been living out of a flat-bed Four Wheel Camper for 5 years. FWC builds comfortable and durable campers that can fit on any truck. We can confidently say that our FWC is the most comfortable and livable rig we’ve had in all our years on the road! If you reach out to them, tell them MAK & Owen sent ya!

Power and power management are key to living and working full time from the road. Our mobile lives run on a Redarc Manager 30. It’s a state-of-the-art battery management system that charges and maintains auxiliary batteries by incorporating AC, DC and solar inputs. We’re not sure where we’d be without it!

Supporting Sponsors

When you go to travel through Mexico by car, you need Mexican car insurance. Baja Bound is our all time favorite car insurance. We’ve used Baja Bound for every single one of our trips south of the border. We’re proud to have them as a sponsor for Todo Bien!

If you’re looking to get into overland travel, inspiration, education, or gear Overland Expo is our favorite event series that happens all around the US every year. We love attending as there is always something new to learn, innovation to see, and incredible people to meet!

Our entire life is powered by Dakota Lithium. They make the best lithium batteries and are an essential part of our power system that enables us to work from the road! Dakota Lithium makes the biggest capacity batteries for the footprint which enables us to have twice the power in the same footprint.

Tires can be some of the best insurance when you are out in remote places. We love and trust our Toyo ATIII’s to get us in and out safely, no matter the terrain. They’re amazing in mud, moon dust, loose rocks, slick rock, you name it!