Overland Expo - Rig Tours

As some of you may know Owen and I attended Overland Expo West in Flagstaff, Az this year! Though we’ve attended Expo East, nothing can hold a candle to the size of Expo West. We were invited to attend with Main Line Overland to show off our rig in their booth. Wanting to attend we jumped at the opportunity to gain free entry into the weekend’s activities.

Once we knew for sure that we were going to be attending the Expo Owen and I entered the Cool Ride competition in hopes of winning $500 dollars to spend at the Expo. Turns out...we won! Crazy right?

We had an amazing weekend seeing so many cool cars, rigs, and innovations in the industry! We also had the pleasure of meeting so many people who follow our journey. I have a small confession to make: I know that we post a lot on here, Instagram and YouTube, but sometimes we forget or maybe don’t realize that people are listening. At Overland Expo it felt like the first time that we really realized that people aren’t only listening, but also getting something out of our travels. So often it feels selfish to travel this way because we’re away from family, friends, and aging loved one’s for long periods of time. After meeting the countless people who stopped by to pass along hugs and their thanks for doing what we do, it felt like our travels suddenly had more meaning than they ever have before. I had a good hard cry after expo because it felt like we were getting back on the road with the strength of all those we met that weekend. 

I could go on for hours about how great of a time we had. If you’re interested in cool cars or overlanding of any kind I highly recommend trying to attend Overland Expo West!

Alright! Now onto the tours! While at Overland Expo we thought it would be a great opportunity to film a few quick tours of some rigs that we loved. We seemed to be attracted to self-made rigs...no surprise there right?! Here are two of our favorites from Expo:

We also did a 360-degree video tour of three of these rigs (if you watched the above videos on one them will be a repeat). If you’re not familiar with how to watch a 360 video here are the instructions based on the device you are viewing with to be sure you're enjoying and exploring the video in the way it’s intended:

For a cell phone - We recommend that you stand up so you can move around the space freely. Move your phone in the direction you want to look be it up, down, side to side. If you want to remain seated (best if in an office environment) you can use your finger to scroll around the space.

For a tablet - Use your finger to scroll around the space.

For a desktop - Use your mouse to scroll around the space.

For VR goggles - You know what to do. 

For a TV - Switch to one of the above platforms… 

You can pause at any time and look around the space if you care to take more time looking around! We hope to start bringing you more interactive 360 tours like this one of the places we go and things that we see!

Thank you guys for watching <3



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